Unlocking creativity in the classroom

As educators we can enable creative environments that nurture learners to develop creativity skills!

Creativity is not just associated with the arts. It is the “generation of novel, useful ideas”

That means creativity is problem solving and that being the case, it means that it is a skill which can be taught.

Creativity in your classroomWe can enrich our classrooms by constructing creative environments where our learners thrive on problem solving to develop new, innovative ideas as part of their learning journey.  As a teacher, the chances are that you already do this for your learners! Teachers are the most creative beings when it comes to developing lessons resources that deconstruct topics, scaffold and reassemble knowledge to help students learn.

Challenging learners to think creatively about a problem adds a really exciting and fun dimension to the process of learning.  But what are the creative issues that we need to understand and how do we do it effectively?  To understand the creative problems involved in introducing creativity into our classrooms, I have developed a podcast workshop for you.  Check out episode 29 of the Inspiration 4 Teachers Podcast Show and discover:

  • The problems associated with creating activities that challenge learners to think creatively
  • Ideas on developing problem solving activities in the classroom
  • How to improve what we already know and unlock the creativity that exists within our classrooms

Want to learn more?  Sign up for more creativity ideas, activities and resources

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